Regions (Waypoints)#

A region, geofence, or waypoint (sadly we've used these terms interchangeably) is a circular area you configure in the UI on your OwnTracks device. The device then begins monitoring whether the area is being entered or left and it will publish what we call a transition event accordingly.

The base topic for publishes from the OwnTracks apps is what you've configured it to be in the apps' preferences / settings. This base topic is used for publishes of type location (see JSON). All messages published to this base topic are retained if you have configured the app to retain them.

So upon entering or leaving a region, the device publishes a transition event which contains:

element meaning
desc description with the name you set for the waypoint
event "enter" or "leave", depending on whether the
device is entering or leaving a configured region, respectively.
rid the region ID of the region
lat, lon where the region was detected (entering respectively leaving)
tid trackerID
tst timestamp when the event was published
wtst the time stamp of when the region was created

For example, this JSON might be published when entering a region:

      "_type": "transition",
      "desc": "My favorite coffee shop (Delaville)",
      "event": "enter",
      "lat": 48.87069,
      "lon": 2.34916,
      "rid": "f7676c",
      "tid": "j1",
      "tst": 1707057574,
      "wtst": 1610104395

If you set up a region (or waypoint or geo-fence, you get the drift), the app publishes that region (with retain=0 irrespective of your general preference) to the base topic with /waypoint tacked onto the topic (e.g. owntracks/<user>/<device>/waypoint) with the payload for _type=waypoint as specified in the JSON page. Entering or leaving a waypoint will be published as a transition message and will contain a wtst (for historical purposes) with the timestamp of when the region was originally defined. (Note that that branch is /waypoint -- singular.)

For example, If Jane configures a region on her iPhone, the app could publish the following payload to owntracks/jane/phone/waypoint:

    "_type": "waypoint",
    "desc": "My favorite coffee shop (Delaville)",
    "lat": 48.87069,
    "lon": 2.34916,
    "rad": "50",
    "tst": "1385997757",
    "rid": "f7676c",
    "wtst": 1610104395

When you set up a region (with a description and a radius), this new region is published to the broker with the current time stamp. If you update the region definition on the device at a later stage, the region is re-published, with the original timestamp, but with possibly new description and/or radius and latitude / longitude, but with the same rid. To be precise, the rid (region ID) is used as an identifier of the region even if it is later modified on the device.

Subscribers to the broker (our apps and any other program) can avoid getting regions by subscribing to, say, owntracks/+/+; also broker ACLs can prohibit access to owntracks/+/+/waypoint for particular users if so desired. Conversely, all messages published by the apps (location, transition, and waypoint) are available with a subscription to owntracks/#.

The OwnTracks apps may keep track of regions, e.g. for displaying to users.

In regions#

When the apps publish a _type = location message, they add to that an array called inregions (and as from January 2021 an array called inrids) with the names of the regions and their respective rids. The inregions array might be consumed by humans whereas the inrids array would be consumed by developers who will wish to associate the region IDs (rid) with the values in inrids.

Adding on iOS#

On iOS you can navigate to the place where you want to place a region, Tap long and edit the Region. The region gets a default name (Here ..) which you will want to change to something meaningful. With a bit of practice, you can then drag the region to it's final destination on the map or, and this may be easier, edit the region and specify its exact coordinates.

Adding on Android#

On Android, regions can be configured on a separate activity. Coordinates for the geographical region can be entered by hand or by using the place picker.

Remote loading of regions#

Instead of configuring multiple regions on the device, they can be loaded remotely with the setWaypoints cmd message if remote configuration is enabled on the device.

You can use this to import individual regions or groups of pre-configured regions which are merged into the existing regions definition on the device. Recall, however, that the rid element is like a key which uniquely identifies each region / waypoint; leave it unchanged when modifying and resubmitting a waypoint.

    "_type": "cmd",
    "action": "setWaypoints",
    "waypoints": {
        "_type": "waypoints",
        "waypoints": [
                "_type": "waypoint",
                "tst": 1708625557,
                "rid": "my-region-id-1",
                "desc": "home",
                "rad": 100,
                "lat": 30.0,
                "lon": 40.0
                "_type": "waypoint",
                "tst": 1708625558,
                "rid": "my-region-id-2",
                "desc": "work",
                "rad": 100,
                "lat": 30.1,
                "lon": 40.1

Assuming the above is in a file named wp.json, a user can publish that to themselves (or an authorized user to any other) as follows (note the use of jq -c which ensures a single line of JSON and the benefit that jq verifies for valid JSON):

$ jq -c . wp.json |
      mosquitto_pub -u username -P 'password' -t owntracks/jane/nokia/cmd -q 1 -l

Deleting regions#

On iOS a region can be deleted by swiping it away. On Android, a long press is required. Note that deleting a region on the device does not publish anything to the MQTT broker or HTTP server.

Beacons Ranging#

In addition to circular regions, the iOS app can monitor its proximity to BLE Beacons.