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You now know that MQTT is a messaging protocol, and that it uses topic names to label messages. topic names can be structured into multiple topic levels by separating them with a forward slash (/). topic levels are UTF-8 text strings, and almost any character is valid except /, *, and +. The last two are used to address sets of topic names.

The principles during the design of the OwnTracks topic-naming scheme were

  • human readability
  • traffic minimization
  • granular access control

topic name Root#

Typically an MQTT broker hosts multiple applications. To create a separate name space for OwnTracks we use a topic name root as the beginning of a topic name. Per default this is owntracks/, but you may choose any other root (e.g. peters/locations/) or, if you prefer, the empty string. In order to change the default behaviour of owntracks/ create a personalized configuration from scratch or, export your current configuration, edit that and re-import to your device. On Android you trigger the import function by opening the .otrc file in a file manager; on iOS by, say, opening the file in Mail, Dropbox or similar app. The settings which have to be changed are


Device name#

Locations are captured in OwnTracks by devices (e.g. your Smartphone). The device name forms the second component of the topic name. In order to avoid clashes in naming and to simplify subscription and authorization we decided to use two topic levels

  1. The user name or identifier (e.g. peter)
  2. The device name (e.g. iPhone)

A typical topic name for a device would therefore be peter/iPhone. Other device naming schemes are possible and transparent to OwnTracks (e.g. using just one level peters-iPhone or multiple levels aFamily/father/iPhone), but under any one OwnTracks name root the number of levels used for device names have to be the same.

We reccomend you keep the device name generic: something like myphone might be preferable to siemens-x67 so that you don't feel the need to change the device name (and hence the topic) if you move to a different device and vendor.

Base topic name#

Combining the topic name root and the device name result in what we call base topic name for each device (e.g. owntracks/peter/iPhone). The devices label their location messages with the base topic name when publishing to the MQTT broker.

Subscribing to location Messages#

Given the structure explained above, the topic filter you can use to subscribe to the location messages of all devices is owntracks/+/+ (the topic name root plus a so-called wild card (+) for each level of the device name.

Additional topic names#

For additional communication from and to devices, OwnTracks uses topic names relative to the base topic name.

Devices listen to the relative topic name cmd for commands you can publish to OwnTracks devices (i.e. owntracks/peter/iPhone/cmd). For example, if authorized, you could request a location update from a friend's device by publishing an appropriate payload to said topic.

The output of specific OwnTracks commands is published by the device to the relative topic names step, dump, etc.

In addition, devices subscribe to the relative topic name info for information about other devices. Messages published with the relative topic name info (e.g. owntracks/peter/iPhone/info) contain a card payload -- the name and avatar of a user with which authorized users can identify, say, Peter within their OwnTracks app.

Devices publish their waypoints to the relative topic name waypoint and the corresponding events the transition into or out of a waypoint triggers, to the relative topic name event.


A device (named peter/iPhone in this example) is connected to an MQTT Broker with the OwnTracks name Root owntracks. It publishes location messages labeled with the topic name owntracks/peter/iPhone. The same device publishes waypoints labeled as owntracks/peter/iPhone/waypointand publishes to owntracks/peter/iPhone/event when entering or leaving a waypoint (i.e. a monitored region).

The same device subscribes to owntracks/+/+ to receive location messages of all other devices it is authorized for which are connected to the same MQTT broker. In addition, the device may listen to owntracks/+/+/eventif the user of the devices wants to be informed about other users entering or leaving monitored regions. Subscribing to owntracks/+/+/infogives the device access to additional information about the other devices.

If a device's owner allows other users to ad-hoc request messages from his device, the device will subscribe to owntracks/peter/iPhone/cmd as well, and it will listen for OwnTracks commands; responses to these commands will be published and labeled owntracks/peter/iPhone/dump, owntracks/peter/iPhone/step, etc.

A full set of supported topic names and expected payloads is documented in our JSON API.

Terms used#

  • topic name
  • OwnTracks topic name root
  • OwnTracks device name
  • OwnTracks base topic name
  • relative topic names
  • OwnTracks device
  • OwnTracks user
  • OwnTracks command