The iPhone 5S has a built-in pedometer which we’ve leveraged into OwnTracks (iOS only). The way this works is that the iPhone counts the steps you take, and OwnTracks can report these in a JSON payload upon request.
In order for the app to actually report the steps counted by the device, you send it a specially formatted command. (The device does not periodically publish steps on its own -- you must trigger it.)
mosquitto_pub -q 2 -t owntracks/jj/5s/cmd -m '{"_type" : "cmd", "action": "reportSteps"}'
Note how we’re using QoS=2 here: the message is published to the MQTT broker, and when the phone next wakes up, which happens every few hundred seconds, it will obtain the message, and publish a JSON payload with the counted steps back to your MQTT broker.
"_type": "steps",
"from": 1400455130,
"steps": 1234,
"to": 1400458000,
"tst": 1400455130
Daily reports#
We use the following small program to issue the JSON needed to request the steps for the 00:00 - 23:59 time-frame of this particular day (or the day before, etc.)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime
import time
import json
import sys
days = 0
def unix_epoch(t, delta):
dt = t + delta
# print dt
return int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
now =
f = now.replace(now.year, now.month,, 0, 0, 1, 0)
t = now.replace(now.year, now.month,, 23, 59, 59, 0)
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days)
payload = {
'_type' : 'cmd',
'action' : 'reportSteps',
'from' : unix_epoch(f, delta),
'to' : unix_epoch(t, delta),
print json.dumps(payload)
In the evening, a cron entry sends that off to our broker which will, eventually, deliver the message to the the phone.
50 22 * * * /usr/local/bin/reportsteps | mosquitto_pub -q 2 -t owntracks/jpm/5s/cmd -l
Daily reports with Openhab#
With openhab it's quite easy to user rules engine from openhab and to not rely on servers crontab.
At first you have to define mqtt retain broker (MQTT v. 1 is used) - simply add configuration to /etc/openhab2/services/mqtt.cfg
After that make a simple rule in /etc/openhab2/rules/ directory. Lets say the filename is /etc/openhab2/rules/owntracks.rules with contents:
// every day at 23:59
Time cron "0 59 23 * * ? *"
val long from1 = / 1000
val long to1 = (now.millis / 1000)
publish("mqtt-retain","owntracks/jj/5s/cmd",'{"action": "reportSteps", "to": '+ to1 +', "_type": "cmd", "from": '+ from1 +'}')
For usage the info in sitemaps or anywhere else 1 more item has to be made into file /etc/openhab2/items/owntracks.items
Number Steps_Yesterday "[%d]" { mqtt="<[mqtt:owntracks/jj/5s/step:state:JSONPATH($.steps)]" }
Now You can make use of yesterday's steps count.