
We've had excellent experience using the OpenCage Geocoding API as reverse geo-coding provider: their pricing is attractive and they currently offer a free tier that allows up to 2,500 requests per day, which should be more than sufficient for our purposes.

After signing up and obtaining your API key, configure the OpenCage API in Recorder by:

  • setting OTR_GEOKEY="opencage:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" in the defaults file or by exporting it into the environment
  • invoking Recorder with the --geokey "opencage:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" option

If you configured your OpenCage geocoding API key in quicksetup, the Recorder is automatically configured during bootstrapping.

Be aware that the Recorder queries the service with no_record=1&limit=1. OpenCage documents the first as meaning it will not log the request, and that protects your privacy (see details).

(Without the substring opencage: the Recorder falls back to using Google in order to maintain backwards-compatibility.)